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Location            / Hiroshima, Japan

Status                / Design Concept/Competition

Organizer          / Bee Breeders

Collaborators    / Liam Low Yong Ging & Ariel Flores

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The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial International Architecture Competition 2021

With the future in such a state of uncertainty and political relationships more strained than ever, there is one silent threat that could end up being more deadly and dangerous to humanity than a hundred pandemics: nuclear weapons. It's been 75 years since the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively ending World War II and killing well over 100,000 people, the majority of whom were civilians. We were asked to create a memorial in a decommissioned nuclear weapon testing site. However, in response to the global silence surrounding the issue of nuclear weapons, the architecture ideas must be communicated strictly with visuals and no description texts.

The design takes inspiration from the 'dome shape' of the nuclear bomb explosion, creates a parallel dimension inside the dome structure. The story of the memorial begins with the tragedy of the Hiroshima explosion in 1945. The explosion creates the crater and its take away thousands of lives. With that, we create a new pixelated crater on the existing memorial site to reform a crater that represents a new life accompanied by other programmes like memorials and museums to showcase the whole incident. The souls of victims are comforted with newly planted trees, each tree represents each soul. The dome forms a controllable environment to heal people from the tragedy. A centre boulevard was added in the axis that aligned to the cenotaph and atomic bomb dome to form a strong connection in visual. The pixelated hill represents the rising hope of recovering from the tragedy, and the pixels are divided into 3 different types. The types include grass pixel as stepping land, a transport pixel that allows light to penetrate into space beneath, and a pixel with plants. Resonance is meant to be the last memorial that will last forever in the heart of everyone.









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